Power Quality
Active Harmonic Filter

1.Product Introduction

AHF series low-voltage Active Harmonic Filters are the latest generation of all-digital harmonic elimination equipment launched by our company's own brand. Compared with traditional technologies, they have special advantages. They are faster, smaller, more powerful, simple, easy to install, and easy to debug and maintain. In addition to dynamically compensating harmonics, these products can also perform reactive power compensation and solve power quality problems such as voltage fluctuations and flicker. At the same time, this series of products adopts the most advanced control technology to achieve fully automated control and is the preferred equipment for eliminating harmonics.

2.Working Principle 

AHF uses power electronics technology and the main components of the equipment include: controller, converter, DC link capacitor, connecting reactor, etc. The control system of AHF includes DSP+FPGA and command current calculation and current tracking control circuit to realize functions such as parameter setting and control command acquisition. The principle of AHF equipment is shown in the figure below:

AHF detects the load current through the current transformer and calculates it through the internal DSP to extract the harmonic components in the load current and then sends it to the internal IGBT through the PWM signal to control the inverter to generate a current that is equal to the load harmonic current and in the opposite direction. The harmonic current is injected into the power grid to achieve the purpose of filtering.

3.Product Features

Excellent filtering performance

---Filter out 2~50th harmonics at the same time

---Comprehensive management of odd and even times

---Any single harmonic ratio setting

Flexible Application Scheme

---Modular design, lightweight wall-mounted, customized plug-in type

---Any combination of multiple capacity modules, up to 10 modules can be connected in parallel

---CT can be flexibly installed on the power side or load side

High-end quality of core components

---Imported IGBT, advanced three-level technology

---U.S. TI company's high-end industrial control chip (28377), dual-core 32-bit CPU+2CLA, main frequency 200MHz

Perfect device and system protection

---Resonance protection

---Equipment external electrical fault protection

---Internal fault protection of the equipment, overcurrent protection, IGBT overheating protection, etc.

---Automatic derating when the working environment exceeds the limit


---Multiple compensation modes, harmonic control, reactive power compensation, and unbalanced current compensation are allocated on demand

--- Full range stepless compensation of reactive power

---Complete three-phase unbalance compensation strategy to achieve active/reactive/split-phase unbalance compensation

Humanized Interactive Experience

---Through the graphical display interface, users can clearly understand the power improvement of the system before and after compensation, such as system waveform diagram, harmonic spectrum diagram, THDi, THDu, current effective value, power factor, etc.