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    | | 2023/10/18
    Job description: 1. Responsible for developing overseas market customers, maintaining old customers and exploring new customer needs, and completing annual target performance indicators; 2. Establish and improve overseas market business networks and relationships, formulate market expansion plans, strategies and measures, and promote product promotion and sales in overseas markets; 3. Organize research and analysis of overseas markets to improve product competitiveness based on product pricing, R&D and supply ratios; 4. Complete other tasks assigned by the leader.
    Job Requirements:
    1. Have the ability and experience to independently develop and maintain overseas markets;
    2. Have excellent communication and coordination skills, negotiation skills and execution ability;
    3. Be familiar with the culture of each country or region and be able to adapt to business trip arrangements;
    4. Have good teamwork spirit and service awareness;
    5. Have strong ability to withstand pressure and sense of responsibility;
    6. Able to adapt to short-term business trips at home and abroad;
    7. Proficient in using various office software;
    8. Have good professional ethics and professional ethics;
    9. Candidates who can accept overtime and weekend overtime will be given priority.

    | | 2023/10/16

    Job description:

    1. Comprehensively preside over the department's sales management work, formulate the department's annual work plan and financial budget plan and supervise its implementation

    2. Responsible for organizing the establishment and personnel training of the sales team

    3. Lead the team to complete performance indicators and achieve annual mission goals assigned by the company

    4. Responsible for the collection of market information and analysis of competitors

    5. Assist in project negotiations and lead the team in BD development affairs

    6. Responsible for daily management work such as performance appraisal and reward distribution of team members

    7. Other related tasks assigned by leaders
    Job Requirements: 
    1. Bachelor degree or above, with more than 5 years of relevant experience in sales management, those with MRO industry experience will be given priority
    2. Familiar with the sales model operation process and have strong business negotiation skills
    3. Have good communication and coordination skills and teamwork spirit
    4. Have strong learning ability and be able to withstand work pressure
    5. Have certain leadership and execution skills, and be able to assume certain management responsibilities
    6. Have experience in team management (5 people or more), and be able to establish an effective management system and promote its implementation